Mountain Draft New Gas Customer Form New Gas CustomerFirst NameLast NameCompany Name/DBA if differentStreet AddressCityMailing AddressCityMailing Zip CodeMain PhoneEmail Address (where you would like invoices emailed)What date did this business start / assume operations?Alternate PhoneIs this business: A new business New management / owner of an existing businessWill you be purchasing, renting or currently own your cylinders? Purchasing Renting Currently Own (must be approved by Mtn. Draft)We email invoices and statements. If you have additional contact information for accounting, please provide it here. Name, Phone and email address.If you own your cylinders how many and what size?If you are renting cylinders please type your name below signifying that you understand you will be charged $6.50 per month for each small cylinder and $8.50 per month for each large cylinder. This will be invoiced quarterly. (Type N/A if you own or will be purchasing your cylinders)Auto-Pay is available. Is this an option you would like to set up? If so our accounting team will contact you for this information so that it can be stored safely. Yes NoSUBMIT